Getting There From Here - A Journey
Written by Teera Garcia on 10/23/2013 10:02 AM

I do not quite remember turning 32 myself. It seemed a lifetime ago, yet here we are now, still in this life. Erik is 13, and grown past the height of most of the adults with whom he makes contact any given day. He is still awkward and lanky, not yet accustomed to his size nor strength. He is not quite shy, speaking his mind even before his brain has realized the words have escaped his mouth. ;) Yet he is brilliant, an avid reader, a fluent computer user, and musically inclined -- yes, exceptional in every way -- and nearly everyone takes favorable pleasure in his gifted good-nature.

As for myself (again), I have tried traveling forward with no regrets: to have the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expect of me;
to not work so hard; to have the courage to express my feelings; to stay in touch with my friends; to let myself be happier.

Happy Birthday, Amber. I know you are here with me. Just really wishing it was not just an hallucination, or simply the voices in my head. :)